Wednesday, December 21, 2022

DW German media: China Competition from "Zero Covid" to competition "Opening Up" 德语媒体:从比拼"清零"到比拼"放开"

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(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) "7 deaths: This is the official death toll since China abruptly ended the zero-clearing policy nearly two weeks ago and allowed the virus to spread. There were two cases on Monday this week and five cases on Tuesday. However, such figures are unbelievable in China. Just look at social media to see how bad the real situation is: pictures from Tongzhou, Beijing, show hearses queuing up in front of funeral parlors; There are those shared personal experiences: or the grandfather died after being infected with the epidemic, or the patient with a fever didn't know what to do before the pharmacy was sold out...."

Like many German media outlets, the article in the "Munich Messenger Zeitung" also focused on the infection wave after China suddenly abandoned the eradication, outrageous official data and unthinkable policies, such as, "Chongqing even announced on Monday that all levels of the city's party and government organs , If employees of enterprises and institutions are infected with the epidemic, those with only mild symptoms can go to work. There are reports that at Foxconn, an Apple foundry, patients with fever also go to work in the workshop."

The article believes that in the past three years, the provinces and cities in China have fought to see who has the toughest zero-clearing measures, but now it seems that another competition has broken out to see who can implement the central government's policies the fastest and let go as much as possible."

《慕尼黑信使报》还关注了美国病毒学家丁亮(Eric Feigl-Ding)在推特上发布的一个视频。视频中,10来个接着呼吸机的病人挤在一个拥挤不堪的医院病房里。德国卫生部长劳滕巴赫(Karl Lauterbach)在该视频下留言说,"中国的情况非常令人担忧"。《慕尼黑信使报》文章写道,"这一令人震惊的视频是什么时候拍的无法考证,丁亮在美国也并非没有争议,但其他一些预测也对中国的发展表示担忧。香港大学的模型计算出,极端情况下会近一百万人死亡。科学家们指出,如果中国继续执行开放政策而不采取适当对策,每百万居民中将有684人死亡。14亿人口将有大约96.5万人死亡。"

The München Messenger Zeitung also paid attention to a video posted on Twitter by American virologist Eric Feigl-Ding. In the video, 10 or so patients on ventilators are crowded in a crowded hospital ward. "The situation in China is very worrying," German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach commented under the video. The "Munich Courier Zeitung" article wrote, "It is impossible to verify when this shocking video was taken. Ding Liang is not without controversy in the United States, but some other predictions also express concern about China's development. The model of the University of Hong Kong It is calculated that nearly one million people will die in extreme cases. Scientists pointed out that if China continues to implement the policy of opening up without taking appropriate countermeasures, there will be 684 deaths per million inhabitants. There will be about 965,000 people in a population of 1.4 billion die."


明镜周刊在线刊登了该杂志驻北京记者Georg Fahrion题为"回到新冠之城"的文章。他之前离开北京到中国其它几个地方考察,四周后回到北京,其间中国终止了清零政策。作者写道:"这里的疫情究竟有多糟糕只能猜测。流传的预测是,北京2200万人口中的三分之一已经被感染。当我环顾周围时,我认为这是个保守的估计。所有人不是在生病,就是在恢复,或者在等待很快被感染。"


A seemingly omnipotent nation surrenders to Omicron

Der Spiegel published online an article by Georg Fahrion, the magazine's Beijing correspondent, titled "Back to the City of Corona". He had previously left Beijing to visit several other places in China, and returned to Beijing four weeks later, during which China ended its zero-clearing policy. "Exactly how bad the outbreak is here can only be guessed at," the authors wrote. "The forecast circulating is that a third of Beijing's population of 22 million has already been infected. When I look around, I think this is a conservative estimate. All People are either getting sick, recovering, or waiting to be infected very quickly."

"Even if it's not quite apt, it looks like this seemingly omnipotent nation has finally capitulated before Omicron, leaving its own citizens behind," the article reads. "China could have used the time gained by clearing to carry out mass vaccination, but it didn't; it could have stockpiled enough fever and cough medicines, but now they are sold out everywhere; to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed, but it doesn't do that either...Apparently China's autocratic system is too focused on laughing at the suffering of Westerners to allow anyone to think that something can be learned from Western practices ."


  1. More interesting news:

  2. Another interesting article:
