Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Southern China: Relative humidity hits 100% 华南地区:相对湿度达100%

South China Morning Post on Youtube has the story.

Residents in southern China found themselves grappling with extreme dampness when relative humidity climbed to 100% on March 6, according to the Guangdong Meteorological Bureau. The moisture has swept through cities in the country’s south, causing water droplets to accumulate on ceilings.

Humidity is the concentration of water vapor present in the air. Water vapor, the gaseous state of water, is generally invisible to the human eye. Humidity indicates the likelihood for precipitation, dew, or fog to be present.

Humidity depends on the temperature and pressure of the system of interest. The same amount of water vapor results in higher relative humidity in cool air than warm air. A related parameter is the dew point. The amount of water vapor needed to achieve saturation increases as the temperature increases. As the temperature of a parcel of air decreases it will eventually reach the saturation point without adding or losing water mass. The amount of water vapor contained within a parcel of air can vary significantly. For example, a parcel of air near saturation may contain 28 g of water per cubic metre of air at 30 °C (86 °F), but only 8 g of water per cubic metre of air at 8 °C (46 °F).

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的《南华早报》有这个故事。

据广东省气象局称,3月6日相对湿度攀升至100%,华南地区的居民发现自己正面临着极度潮湿的困境。 湿气席卷了该国南部的城市,导致水滴积聚在天花板上。

湿度是空气中水蒸气的浓度。 水蒸气,即水的气态,通常是人眼看不见的。 湿度表示出现降水、露水或雾的可能性。

湿度取决于感兴趣系统的温度和压力。 相同量的水蒸气导致冷空气中的相对湿度高于热空气中的相对湿度。 一个相关参数是露点。 随着温度的升高,达到饱和所需的水蒸气量也会增加。 随着空气温度的降低,它最终会达到饱和点,而不会增加或失去水质量。 一包空气中所含的水蒸气量可能会有很大差异。 例如,一块接近饱和的空气在 30 °C (86 °F) 时每立方米空气可能含有 28 克水,但在 8 °C (46 °F) 时每立方米空气仅含有 8 克水 。


华南地区 South China
湿气 Dampness
相对湿度 Relative Humidity
广东 Guangdong
气象局 Meteorological Bureau
水分 Moisture
飞沫 Droplets
天花板 Ceiling
水蒸气 Water Vapor
沉淀 Precipitation
露 Dew
多雾路段 Fog
温度 Temperature

Saturday, March 2, 2024

China Plans Many Launches to the Moon In 2024 中国计划在 2024 年进行多次登月发射

The Space Race Channel on Youtube has the video.

See Why China Is About To Take Over The Moon In 2024!

The so-called Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP; Chinese: 中国探月; pinyin: Zhōngguó Tànyuè), also known as the Chang'e Project (Chinese: 嫦娥工程; pinyin: Cháng'é Gōngchéng) after the Chinese Moon goddess Chang'e, is an ongoing series of robotic Moon missions by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The important program encompasses lunar orbiters (spacecrafts designed to go into orbit), landers, rovers and sample return spacecraft, launched using the Long March series of rockets. A human lunar landing component may have been added to the program, after China indeed publicly announced crewed lunar landing plans by the year 2030 during a conference in July 2023.

The program's launches and flights are monitored by a telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) system, which uses 50-meter (160-foot) radio antennas in Beijing and 40-meter (130-foot) antennas in Kunming, Shanghai, and Ürümqi to form a 3,000-kilometer (1,900-mile) VLBI antenna. A proprietary ground application system is responsible for downlink data reception.

Ouyang Ziyuan, a geologist, chemical cosmologist, and the program's chief scientist, was among the first to advocate the exploitation not only of known lunar reserves of metals such as titanium, but also of helium-3, an ideal fuel for future nuclear fusion power plants. Ye Peijian serves as the program's chief commander and chief designer. Scientist Sun Jiadong is the program's general designer and Sun Zezhou is deputy general designer. The leading program manager is Luan Enjie.

The first spacecraft of the program, the Chang'e 1 lunar orbiter, was launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center on 24 October 2007, having been delayed from the initial planned date of 17–19 April 2007. A second orbiter, Chang'e 2, was launched on 1 October 2010. Chang'e 3, which includes a lander and rover, was launched on 1 December 2013 and successfully soft-landed on the Moon on 14 December 2013. Chang'e 4, which includes a lander and rover, was launched on 7 December 2018 and landed on 3 January 2019 in the South Pole-Aitken Basin, on the far side of the Moon. A sample return mission, Chang'e 5, which launched on 23 November 2020 and returned on 16 December in the same year, brought 1,731 g (61.1 oz) of lunar samples back to Earth.

As indicated by the official insignia, the shape of a calligraphic nascent lunar crescent with two human footprints at its center reminiscent of the Chinese character 月, the Chinese character for "Moon", the ultimate objective of the program is to pave the way for a crewed mission to the Moon. China National Space Administration head Zhang Kejian had announced that China is planning to build a scientific research station on the Moon's south pole "within the next 10 years," (2019–2029).

On 12 July 2023, at the 9th China (International) Commercial Aerospace Forum in Wuhan, Hubei province, Zhang Hailian, a deputy chief designer with the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), publicly introduced a preliminary plan to land two astronauts on the Moon by the year 2030.

China Manned Space Agency (Chinese: 中国载人航天工程办公室) is an agency of the People's Republic of China responsible for the administration of China Manned Space Program, the Chinese human spaceflight program. The agency is under the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission.

Chinese Translation:

所谓的中国探月计划(CLEP;中文:中国探月;拼音:Zhōngguó Tànyuè),也称为嫦娥工程(中文:嫦娥工程;拼音:Cháng'é Gōngchéng),以中国月亮女神嫦娥的名字命名 “e”是中国国家航天局(CNSA)正在进行的一系列机器人月球任务。 这一重要计划包括使用长征系列火箭发射的月球轨道飞行器(设计用于进入轨道的航天器)、着陆器、漫游车和样本返回航天器。 在中国确实在 2023 年 7 月的一次会议上公开宣布了 2030 年载人登月计划之后,载人登月部分可能已被添加到该计划中。

该计划的发射和飞行由遥测、跟踪和指挥 (TT&C) 系统进行监控,该系统在北京使用 50 米(160 英尺)无线电天线,在昆明、上海和上海使用 40 米(130 英尺)天线。 乌鲁木齐将组建一个 3,000 公里(1,900 英里)的 VLBI 天线。 专有的地面应用系统负责下行数据接收。

地质学家、化学宇宙学家、该计划的首席科学家欧阳自远是最早主张不仅要开发月球已知金属储量(例如钛),而且还要开发氦-3(未来核聚变发电的理想燃料)的人之一。 植物。 叶培建担任该项目总指挥、总设计师。 科学家孙家栋担任该项目总设计师,孙泽洲担任副总设计师。 首席项目经理是栾恩杰。

该计划的第一艘航天器嫦娥一号月球轨道飞行器于 2007 年 10 月 24 日从西昌卫星发射中心发射升空,比原计划的 2007 年 4 月 17 日至 19 日推迟。第二艘轨道飞行器嫦娥二号 ,于2010年10月1日发射。嫦娥三号包括着陆器和月球车,于2013年12月1日发射,并于2013年12月14日在月球上成功软着陆。嫦娥四号包括着陆器和月球车 ,于2018年12月7日发射,并于2019年1月3日在月球背面的南极-艾特肯盆地着陆。 嫦娥五号样本返回任务于 2020 年 11 月 23 日发射,并于同年 12 月 16 日返回,将 1,731 克(61.1 盎司)月球样本带回地球。

正如官方标志所示,书法新月的形状,中心有两个人的脚印,让人想起汉字“月”,该计划的最终目标是为 载人登月任务。 中国国家航天局局长张克俭宣布,中国计划“在未来10年内”(2019-2029年)在月球南极建立一个科学研究站。

2023年7月12日,在湖北省武汉市举行的第九届中国(国际)商业航天论坛上,中国载人航天工程局副总设计师张海莲公开介绍了载人登月的初步方案 到2030年。

中国载人航天工程办公室是中华人民共和国负责管理中国载人航天工程的机构。 该机构隶属于中央军委装备发展部。

Read more here:

Monday, January 15, 2024

Japan's All Nippon Airways Flight Reports a Crack on Its Cockpit Window Mid-Air 日本全日空航空公司的航班报告其驾驶舱窗户在半空中出现裂缝

Firstpost Channel on Youtube has the story.

Japan's All Nippon Airways Flight Reports a Crack on Its Cockpit Window Mid-Air

A domestic flight of Japan's All Nippon Airways reported a crack on its cockpit window mid-air. The Boeing 737-800 plane, carrying 59 passengers and six crew, returned to its departure airport. The flight was en route Toyama city but headed back to Sapporo. The crack was found on the outermost of four layers of windows surrounding the cockpit. This marks the second incident involving a Boeing 737. Earlier this month, cabin panel of Alaska Airlines Boeing plane fell off mid-air, forcing an emergency landing.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 Firstpost 频道有这个故事。


日本全日空航空公司的一架国内航班报告称,其驾驶舱窗户在半空中出现裂缝。 这架波音737-800飞机载有59名乘客和6名机组人员,返回出发机场。 该航班原定航线为富山市,但随后返回札幌。 裂缝出现在驾驶舱周围四层窗户的最外层。 这是第二起涉及波音 737 的事故。本月早些时候,阿拉斯加航空公司的波音飞机客舱面板从半空中坠落,被迫紧急迫降。

Air traffic transcripts reveal new details of Japan plane crash 空中交通记录揭示了日本飞机失事的新细节

9 News Australia Channel on Youtube has the story.

Air traffic control transcripts have shown that the coast guard plane involved in a fatal crash at a Japan airport did not have clearance to be on the runway prior to the crash.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 9 News Australia Channel 有这个故事。


How Japan Airlines Rescued 379 People in Just Minutes 日本航空如何在短短几分钟内营救 379 人

Firstpost Channel on Youtube has the story.

How Japan Airlines Rescued 379 People in Just Minutes

379 passengers and crew members were evacuated from a Japan Airlines flight before it exploded into a fireball. How did it pull off this miraculous rescue? Palki Sharma tells you why safety guidelines and following rules can save lives. 

All 379 people aboard a Japan Airlines (JAL) plane escaped the burning airliner after a collision with a Coast Guard aircraft at Tokyo's Haneda airport that killed five of six crew on the smaller aircraft on Tuesday.

Watch the Japan Airlines story. Tokyo's Haneda Airport had the airplane on Fire. Evacuation of passengers happened in World News.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 Firstpost 频道有这个故事。

日本航空如何在短短几分钟内营救 379 人

日本航空一架航班爆炸成火球前,379 名乘客和机组人员被疏散。 这场奇迹般的救援是如何完成的? Palki Sharma 告诉您为什么安全准则和遵守规则可以拯救生命。

周二,日本航空 (JAL) 的一架飞机在东京羽田机场与一架海岸警卫队飞机相撞,造成这架小型飞机上六名机组人员中的五人死亡,机上 379 名乘客全部逃离了燃烧的客机。

观看日本航空的故事。 东京羽田机场的飞机起火。 《世界新闻》报道了乘客疏散事件。

Plane Passenger's Shoes Ripped Off After Door Plug Detaches 飞机门塞脱落后乘客鞋子被扯掉

Inside Edition on Youtube has the story.

A shocking picture shows the aftermath of an Alaska Airlines passenger’s foot after a plane’s door plug detached midair. His shoes and socks were sucked off his feet. The image shows bruises on the man’s ankle. The passenger says he started dozing off on the flight when he heard a noise. All at once, his shoes and socks were gone at 15,000 feet in the air along with his cellphone. Inside Edition’s Jim Moret has more.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 Inside Edition 有这个故事。

一张令人震惊的照片显示了阿拉斯加航空一名乘客的脚在飞机门塞在半空中脱落后的后果。 他脚上的鞋子和袜子都被吸走了。 图片显示该男子脚踝上有瘀伤。 这名乘客说,当他听到噪音时,他在飞机上开始打瞌睡。 突然间,他的鞋子和袜子连同手机一起在 15,000 英尺的高空消失了。 Inside Edition 的 Jim Moret 有更多内容。

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Japan: Newest Advanced Humanoid Female Robots 日本:最新先进人形女性机器人

Carros Show on Youtube shows the story about Japan Humanoid Robots.

Japan continues to astonish the world with its advanced humanoid robots. The country actively develops autonomous robots to assist the elderly and enrich society with new technological solutions. Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro from Osaka University plays a pivotal role in creating incredibly lifelike androids, anticipating the future interaction between humans and machines.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 Carros Show 展示了有关日本人形机器人的故事。

日本继续以其先进的人形机器人震惊世界。 该国积极开发自主机器人,以帮助老年人并通过新技术解决方案丰富社会。 大阪大学的 Hiroshi Ishiguro 教授在创造极其逼真的机器人方面发挥着关键作用,预测了未来人与机器之间的互动。

Monday, January 1, 2024

Japan downgrades major tsunami warning after earthquakes 日本地震后下调重大海啸警报

BBC News on Youtube has the story.

BBC is a British public broadcast service.

Japan has downgraded its tsunami warning after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the central region.

The major warning - the first in Japan since the 2011 earthquake - was issued for the Noto area. 

Tsunami warnings also remain in place for the neighbouring Niigata and Toyama prefectures.

A succession of more than 30 earthquakes have struck central Japan since about 16:00 local time (07:00 GMT), with more expected to follow.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 BBC 新闻报道了这个故事。

BBC 是英国公共广播服务机构。


此次重大警报是针对能登地区发布的,这是日本自 2011 年地震以来的首次警报。


自当地时间 16:00(格林威治标准时间 07:00)左右以来,日本中部已连续发生 30 多次地震,预计还会发生更多地震。

Japan earthquakes: People urged to flee to higher ground 日本地震:人们敦促逃往地势较高的地方

Sky News on Youtube has the story.

Pictures of buildings collapsing and catching fire have been shown on Japanese public television, after a series of powerful earthquakes hit Ishikawa and nearby areas. 

Authorities are warning that earthquakes could continue to hit the country and people need to remain vigilant over the coming days.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的天空新闻报道了这个故事。



Strong earthquake prompts tsunami warning in Japan 日本强烈地震引发海啸警报

DW News on Youtube has the story.

A tsunami warning is in effect for parts of Japan's west coast, following the country's most powerful earthquake for more than five years. On the other side of the Sea of Japan - Russia's far-east coast, North and South Korea are also on alert.

Some 20 strong earthquakes shook central Japan's western coast - the most intense, with a magnitude of 7-point-6, hit the Ishikawa prefecture.

Authorities have warned people along the coast to move to safety. More than 30-thousand homes are without power, and the Japanese government says no irregularities have been detected at nuclear power facilities.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的 DW News 报道了这个故事。

在日本发生五年多来最强烈的地震后,日本西海岸部分地区发布了海啸警报。 在日本海的另一边——俄罗斯远东海岸,朝鲜和韩国也处于戒备状态。

日本中部西海岸发生约 20 次强烈地震,其中最强烈的地震为石川县,震级为 7 点 6 级。

当局已警告沿海地区的人们前往安全地带。 超过 3 万户家庭停电,日本政府表示未发现核电设施存在异常情况。

Japan: 40 earthquakes M7.6, M6.1, M5.7 occurred in 2 hours! 300 km Tsunami Warning 日本:2小时内发生40次M7.6、M6.1、M5.7地震! 300公里海啸警报

Vulnerability Channel on Youtube has the story.
Jan 1, 2024  ЯПОНИЯ

40 earthquakes M7.6, M6.1, M5.7 occurred in Japan in 2 hours! 300 km tsunami warning

Natural disaster 1 January 2024.

Japan issues tsunami warning following a series of 21 strong earthquakes.

According to the Japanese Meteorological Agency, a sequence of 21 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or higher struck central Japan within just 90 minutes on Monday.

The strongest tremor recorded reached a magnitude of 7.6, causing widespread concern.

Earthquakes triggered tsunami warnings, prompting authorities to urge residents to move to higher ground in the affected region.

A powerful earthquake occurred in the Ishikawa Prefecture in central Japan.
Tsunami warnings were declared in Niigata, Toyama, and Ishikawa prefectures along the Sea of Japan coast.

People in these areas are advised to evacuate immediately.

Dangerous tsunami waves were possible within 300 kilometers of the earthquake's epicenter along the Japanese coast.

Chinese Translation:

YouTube 上的漏洞频道有这个故事。
2024 年 1 月 1 日

日本2小时内发生40次M7.6、M6.1、M5.7地震! 300公里海啸警报

2024 年 1 月 1 日发生自然灾害。

日本在连续 21 次强烈地震后发布海啸警报。

据日本气象厅称,周一在短短 90 分钟内,日本中部发生了 21 次 4.0 级或以上的地震。





日本沿海地震震中 300 公里范围内可能会发生危险的海啸。


地震 Earthquake
海啸 Tsunami
警告 Warning
自然灾害 Natural Disaster
气象厅 Meteorological Agency
顺序 Sequence
震颤 Tremor
忧虑 Concern
建议 Advice
波浪 Waves
震中 Epicenter
日本海岸 Japanese Coast