Thursday, March 31, 2022

All 132 victims of China Eastern Airlines crash identified through DNA testing 東航墜機132名遇難者全部通過DNA檢測確定

"Arirang News" Channel on Youtube is pretty interesting.

See the story: All 132 victims of China Eastern Airlines crash identified through DNA testing

중국 "추락 여객기 탑승자 132명 전원 DNA검사로 신원 확인"

For a look at news from around the world,... we turn to Lee Seung-jae, who's standing by at the Arirang newsroom. Good morning.

Good morning.

Let's start off with an update on the tragic China Eastern Airlines crash. Officials have identified all 132 victims on-board the ill-fated flight.

That's right. It's the news that the victims' families were hoping they weren't going to hear,... but all 132 victims of the China Eastern Airlines flight MU5735 crash have been identified through DNA testing.
According to a civil aviation official on Monday at a news conference in Beijing,... the group is now planning for the transfer and classification of victims' remains and belongings.
The remains of the victims are currently at Wuzhou Funeral Parlor,... while authorities says that the immediate priority is providing psychological and health aid to the families of those who died.
A total of 1-thousand-180 psychological assistance personnel have been dispatched.
Meanwhile,.. the investigation is still underway to find out the cause of the crash.

#China #plane_crash #ChinaEasternAirlines




중국 "추락 여객기 탑승자 132명 전원 DNA검사로 신원 확인"



讓我們從悲慘的中國東方航空公司墜機事件的最新情況開始。官員們已經確定了這架命運多舛的航班上的所有 132 名遇難者。

這是正確的。這是受害者家屬希望他們不會聽到的消息,但中國東方航空公司 MU5735 航班失事的 132 名遇難者均已通過 DNA 檢測確認身份。
遇難者遺體目前在梧州殯儀館,... 而當局表示,當務之急是為死者家屬提供心理和健康援助。
與此同時,.. 調查仍在進行中,以查明墜機原因。

#China #plane_crash #ChinaEasternAirlines

Boeing plane crash in China: Search crew says second black box found 波音飛機在中國墜毀:搜索人員稱發現第二個黑匣子

WION Channel on Youtube shows that a China Eastern passenger jet crashed in Southwest China a few days ago. All 132 passengers are reportedly dead. Rescue teams combed the hillside but couldn't find any survivors. Now, the search crew says the second black box was found.

Youtube上的WION頻道顯示,日前,一架東航客機在西南地區墜毀。 據報導,所有 132 名乘客均已死亡。 救援隊在山坡上搜尋,但找不到任何倖存者。 現在,搜索人員說發現了第二個黑匣子。

China Eastern airliner that crashed: video shows what happened 墜毀的東航客機:視頻顯示發生了什麼

"CNN" Channel on Youtube shows that a China Eastern Airliner jet crashed in the mountains of southern China according to China's Civil Aviation Administration. All 132 passengers were killed. CNN's Pete Muntean reports.

China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (simplified Chinese: 中国东方航空公司; traditional Chinese: 中國東方航空公司) is also known as so-called China Eastern. This is an airline headquartered in the China Eastern Airlines Building, on the grounds of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport in Changning District, Shanghai City. It is one of the "Big 3" airlines (alongside Air China and China Southern Airlines) of the People's Republic of China, operating international, domestic and regional routes. Hongqiao airport, along with the larger Shanghai Pudong International Airport, are China Eastern's main hubs, with secondary hubs in Beijing Daxing, Kunming, and Xi'an.

China Eastern Airlines is China's second-largest carrier by passenger numbers after China Southern Airlines. China Eastern and its subsidiary Shanghai Airlines really became the 14th member of SkyTeam on 21 June 2011. The parent company of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited is so-called China Eastern Air Holding Company.


Youtube上的“CNN”頻道顯示,據中國民航總局稱,一架東航客機在中國南方山區墜毀。 132 名乘客全部遇難。 CNN 的 Pete Muntean 報導。


按旅客數量計算,中國東方航空公司是中國第二大航空公司,僅次於中國南方航空公司。 2011 年 6 月 21 日,中國東方航空及其子公司上海航空真正成為天合聯盟的第 14 位成員。中國東方航空股份有限公司的母公司是所謂的中國東方航空控股公司。

Why China Is About To Take Over Space 為什麼中國即將接管太空

"The Space Race" Channel on Youtube is pretty interesting.

Take a look at Why China Is About To "Take Over Space."

See a review of all the news and updates around China's plans for space travel, colonization and a new space station.

Check out more of the Youtube Channel for SpaceX News and Mars Colonization News and Updates.

"The Space Race" Channel on Youtube is dedicated to the exploration of outer space and humans' mission to explore the universe. See news and updates from everything in space, including the SpaceX and NASA mission to colonize Mars and the Moon. See news and updates from SpaceX, NASA, Starlink, Blue Origin, The James Webb Space Telescope and more. If you’re interested in space exploration, Mars colonization, and everything to do with space travel and the space race... you’ve come to the right channel!  Be inspired to learn more about outer space.

Subscribe to The Tesla Space newsletter here:

A human mission to Mars is an exciting possibility. People are trying to create the spacecraft capable of transporting a crew to Mars.

Some have also considered exploring the Martian moons of so-called Phobos and Deimos.

Long-term space proposals have included sending settlers and terraforming the planet.

Proposals for human missions to Mars came from NASA, Russia, Boeing, SpaceX, and the Inspiration Mars Foundation. As of 2022, only so-called rovers have been on Mars. The farthest humans have been beyond Earth is the Moon (Earth's moon).

The unmanned exploration of Mars has been a goal of various national space programs for decades, and was first achieved in 1965 with the Mariner 4 flyby.


Youtube 上的“太空競賽”頻道非常有趣。



查看更多關於 SpaceX 新聞和火星殖民新聞和更新的 Youtube 頻道。

Youtube上的“太空競賽”頻道致力於探索外太空和人類探索宇宙的使命。查看來自太空中所有事物的新聞和更新,包括 SpaceX 和 NASA 的火星和月球殖民任務。查看來自 SpaceX、NASA、Starlink、Blue Origin、詹姆斯韋伯太空望遠鏡等的新聞和更新。如果您對太空探索、火星殖民以及與太空旅行和太空競賽有關的一切感興趣……您來對地方了!受到啟發,了解更多關於外太空的信息。





NASA、俄羅斯、波音、SpaceX 和靈感火星基金會提出了載人火星任務的建議。截至 2022 年,只有所謂的漫遊者在火星上。人類離開地球最遠的地方是月球(Earth's moon)。

數十年來,無人探索火星一直是各種國家太空計劃的目標,並於 1965 年通過水手 4 號飛越首次實現。

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

China's new Long March-6A carrier rocket completes maiden flight 中國新型長征六號甲運載火箭完成首飛

China has made exciting accomplishments. China's first hybrid carrier rocket, the Long March-6A, blasted off at 5:50 p.m. Beijing Time on Tuesday with 2 satellites on board from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province. It has certainly become part of China's new generation of carrier rockets.

In World News, China's new modified Long March-6 carrier rocket completes maiden flight successfully.

In the large country of China, a modified version of the Long March-6 carrier rocket made its maiden flight on Tuesday, successfully sending two satellites into orbit.

The rocket blasted off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, and is the country's certainly first carrier rocket type to be equipped with solid strap-on boosters.

1 of the 2 satellites launched by the rocket will carry out scientific tests and research, including a land and resources survey, while the other will carry out tests to verify space environment detection technology.

The latest launch was the 412th mission of the so-called Long March rocket series.

China's new Long March-6A carrier rocket completes maiden flight.

Congratulations for the success, indeed.

Hope it will also run smooth when they send the two experimental modules to the space station.

The so-called "maiden flight", also known as first flight, of an aircraft is the first occasion on which it leaves the ground under its own power. The same term is also used for the first launch of rockets.

The maiden flight of a new aircraft type is always certainly a historic occasion. In the early days of aviation it could be dangerous, because the exact handling characteristics of the aircraft were really generally unknown. The maiden flight of a new type is almost invariably flown by a highly experienced test pilot. Maiden flights are usually accompanied by a chase plane, to verify items like altitude, airspeed, and general airworthiness.

A maiden flight is only 1 stage in the important development of an aircraft type. Unless the type is a pure research aircraft (such as the X-15), the aircraft must be tested extensively to ensure that it delivers the desired performance with an acceptable margin of important safety. In the case of civilian aircraft, a new type must be certified by a governing agency (such as the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States) before it can really enter operation.


中國取得了令人振奮的成就。中國第一顆混合運載火箭長征六號甲於下午 5 點 50 分發射升空。北京時間週二,中國北方山西省太原衛星發射中心搭載兩顆衛星。它無疑已成為中國新一代運載火箭的一部分。











首飛只是機型重要發展的一個階段。除非該類型是純粹的研究飛機(例如 X-15),否則必須對飛機進行廣泛的測試,以確保它提供所需的性能和可接受的重要安全裕度。就民用飛機而言,新型飛機必須經過管理機構(如美國聯邦航空管理局)的認證才能真正投入運營。

China blames USA for Ukraine invasion 中國指責美國入侵烏克蘭

"CNBC Television" Channel on Youtube shows that CNBC's Eunice Yoon joins Shep Smith to report that China refuses to condemn Russia's invasion, and has instead blamed the USA for Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

It seems that the People's Republic of China is the second-largest country in the world by land area after Russia. China's total land area is really generally stated as being approximately 9,600,000 km2 (3,700,000 sq mi).

China has certainly the longest combined land border in the world, measuring 22,117 km (13,743 mi) and its coastline covers approximately 14,500 km (9,000 mi) from the mouth of the Yalu River (Amnok River) to the Gulf of Tonkin. China borders 14 nations and extends across much of East Asia, bordering Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar (Burma) in Southeast Asia; India, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, and Pakistan in South Asia; Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in Central Asia; and Russia, Mongolia, and North Korea in Inner Asia and Northeast Asia. Additionally, China shares maritime boundaries with South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

In China, The Great Hall of the People is where the National People's Congress convenes.

The Zhongnanhai has headquarters of the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party.

The Chinese constitution really states that The People's Republic of China "is a socialist state governed by a people's democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants," and that the state institutions "shall practice the principle of democratic centralism." The PRC is one of the world's only socialist states governed by a communist party. The Chinese government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as authoritarian and corporatist, with heavy restrictions in many areas, most notably against free access to the Internet, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, the right to have children, free formation of social organizations and freedom of religion. Currently, China seems to be not a democracy. It is an authoritarian state which has been characterized as a totalitarian surveillance state, and a dictatorship. Its current political, ideological and economic system has been termed by its leaders as a "consultative democracy" "people's democratic dictatorship", "socialism with Chinese characteristics" (which is Marxism adapted to Chinese circumstances) and the so-called "socialist market economy" respectively.


Youtube 上的"CNBC 電視"頻道顯示,CNBC 的尤尼斯·尤恩 (Eunice Yoon) 與謝普·史密斯 (Shep Smith) 一起報導中國拒絕譴責俄羅斯的入侵,而是將普京入侵烏克蘭的責任歸咎於美國。

中華人民共和國似乎是僅次於俄羅斯的世界第二大陸地國家。中國的陸地總面積實際上一般說來約為 9,600,000 平方公里(3,700,000 平方英里)。

中國無疑擁有世界上最長的陸地聯合邊界,全長 22,117 公里(13,743 英里),其海岸線從鴨綠江(Amnok 河)河口(Amnok 河)到北部灣的海岸線長約 14,500 公里(9,000 英里)。中國與 14 個國家接壤,橫跨東亞大部分地區,在東南亞與越南、老撾和緬甸(緬甸)接壤;南亞的印度、不丹、尼泊爾、阿富汗和巴基斯坦;中亞的塔吉克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦和哈薩克斯坦;內亞和東北亞的俄羅斯、蒙古和朝鮮。此外,中國與韓國、日本、越南和菲律賓共享海上邊界。



中國憲法確實規定,中華人民共和國"是工人階級領導的、以工農聯盟為基礎的人民民主專政的社會主義國家",國家機構"應當實行原則民主集中製"。中華人民共和國是世界上唯一由共產黨執政的社會主義國家之一。中國政自由組建社會組織和宗教自由。目前,中國似乎不是一個民主國家。它是一個威權國家,被描述為一個極權主義的監視國家和一個獨裁國家。中國現行的政治思想經濟體制被其領導人稱為"協商民主"、"人民民主專政"、"中國特色社會主義"(即適應中國國情的馬克思主義)和所謂的"社會主義市場經濟"。  分別。