Friday, June 18, 2021

Chinese Ways to Ask "Where Are You From?" 中國人問“你來自哪裡?”的方式


哪裡 where, wherever
何處 where, whence
哪兒 where
何在 where
曷 how, why, when, where
奚 why, how, where
往哪里 where

The most common way to ask about nationality of person: 
你是哪国人? Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén? What country are you from? (What is your nationality?)

The "pattern" of the answer: 
Subject + 是 + Name of country + 人

For example:

我是英国人。 Wǒ shì yīng guó rén. I am from the UK. (I am Briton.) 
她是德国人。 Tā shì dé guó rén. She is from Germany. (She is German.) 
他是法国人。 Tā shì fà guó rén. He is from France. (He is French.) 
我朋友是澳大利亚人。 Wǒ péng yǒu shì ào dà lì yǎ rén. My friend is from Australia. (My friend is Australian.) 
马克是加拿大人。 Mǎ kè shì jiā ná dà rén. Mark is from Canada. (Mark is Canadian.) 

Other Ways To Ask "Where Are You From?" In Chinese

你是从哪儿来的? nǐ shì cóng nǎ'er lái de Where did you come from? 
我是从泰国来的。 wǒ shì cóng tàiguó lái de I come from Thailand. 

你来自哪个国家? nǐ lái zì nǎ ge guó jiā? What country are you from? 
我来自美国。 wǒ lái zì měi guó I am from the United States. 

你来自哪里? nǐ lái zì nǎ lǐ Where are you from? 
我来自北京。 wǒ lái zì běi jīng I come from Beijing.

When Chinese people ask each other about their hometowns, they most likely refer to their parents' birthplace.

你是哪儿人? Nǐ shì nǎ'er rén? Where are you from? 
我是上海人。 Wǒ shì shànghǎi rén. I am from Shanghai.

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