Friday, June 18, 2021

I need to see a dentist 我需要看牙医

I need to see a dentist 我需要看牙医

牙科醫生 dentist
齒 tooth
牙齒 tooth
牙 tooth, ivory, tooth-like thing
雉堞 serration, tooth, dent, notch, cog, prong
囓 nibble, tooth
嚙合 mesh, joggle, tooth

我需要看牙医。 wǒ xū yào kàn yá yī  I need to see a dentist. 
我想预约看牙医。 wǒ xiǎng yù yuē kàn yá yī  I would like to make an appointment to see the dentist. 
尽快  jǐn kuài  as soon as possible 
情况十分紧急。  qíng kuàng shí fēn jǐn jí  It is urgent. 
开放时间是什么时候?  kāi fàng shí jiān shì shén me shí hòu  What are the opening hours? 

我可以给你做个检查吗? wǒ kě yǐ gěi nǐ zuò gè jiǎn chá ma  Can I examine you? 
请张嘴。  qǐng zhāng zuǐ  Please open your mouth. 
张开一点!  zhāng kāi yīdiǎn!  A little wider, please!
怎么了? zěn me le  What's wrong? 
哪里疼? nǎ lǐ téng  Where does it hurt? 
我牙疼。 (这里疼。)  wǒ yá téng (zhè lǐ téng)  I have a toothache. (It hurts here.) 
如果痛的话就告诉我。  rú guǒ tòng de huà jiù gào sù wǒ.  Let me know if you feel any pain. 
会疼吗?  huì téng ma  Will it hurt? 
麻醉剂  má zuì jì  anesthetic

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