Friday, February 26, 2021

Chinese Public Buildings 中國公共建築

Chinese Public Buildings 中國公共建築

建筑 building, architecture, structure, edifice
大厦 building, mansion, edifice
建筑物 building, structure, erection
房子 house, building
房 room, house, building, antrum
营造物 building
医院 hospital
院 hospital, courtyard, college, yard, institution, compound
使住院 hospital
警察 (noun) police, policeman, police force, constabulary, policewoman
警方 (noun) police, police force, constabulary
警 (noun) police, police force, constabulary
治安 (noun) public security, public order, police, public safety
管辖 (verb) rule, administer, police, have jurisdiction over
维持治安 (verb) police
警察局 police station
邮局 post office
邮 mail, post, post office
邮务部 post office
消防部门 fire department
学校 school
学院 college, school, institute, academy, university, faculty
校 school, field officer
学 school, learning, knowledge, college, branch of learning, subject of study
学派 school, school of thought
派 school, faction, pie, group, style, clique
流派 school, sect
系 system, line, department, series, family, school
派别 faction, school, group
药店 pharmacy, drugstore
药房 pharmacy, drugstore
制药 pharmacy
药剂学 pharmaceutics, pharmacy
家 home, family, household, school, school of thought, specialist
宗 sect, ancestor, clan, school, purpose, faction
庠 asylum for the aged, school
锻炼 exercise, temper, take exercise, school, anneal, do physical training
锻练 temper, anneal, school
电影 film, movie, cinema, picture show
影院 cinema, movie theater
电影院 cinema, movie theater, movie
体育场 stadium
体育馆 stadium, gymnasium, gym
超级市场 supermarket
杂货店 grocery store
教会 church, Christian church
教堂 church, chapel
礼拜 worship, church, cult, religious service, divine service, cultus
礼拜堂 chapel, church, temple, tabernacle, bethel, meeting house
教派的 church
去做礼拜 church
寺庙 temple, monastery, shrine
庙 temple, shrine, monastery, joss house
寺院 temple, monastery, cloister
殿 temple, hall, palace
庙宇 temple
圣殿 temple
祠 temple, ancestral hall
鬓角 temple, hair on the temples
鬓 temple, hair on the temples
庙寺 temple
礼拜堂 chapel, church, temple, tabernacle, bethel, meeting house
健身房 gym, gymnasium
体育馆 stadium, gymnasium, gym
厕所 toilet, lavatory, loo, lav
卫生间 bathroom, toilet, washroom, restroom, lavatory, loo
厕 toilet, lavatory, restroom, washroom, lav
盥洗室 bathroom, washroom, toilet, lavatory, restroom, water closet
更衣室 locker room, dressing room, changing room, toilet
壁橱 closet, built-in cupboard, built-in wardrobe
橱 cabinet, closet, wardrobe
溷 closet, cattle shed, cowhouse, latrine, pigpen, pigsty
圂 closet, latrine, pigpen, pigsty
秘密 secret, confidential, undercover, closet, hedge
暗藏的 bosomed, closet
暗中的 closet, hedge
隐藏的 closet
锁上 key, latch, padlock, closet
锁住 closet
加油站 gas station
商店 store, shop
店 shop, store, inn
储存 store, stockpile
储藏 store, deposit, stockpile
铺 shop, store, bed, courier station
肆 store, shop, license, tyranny, licence
铺子 shop, store
商号 shop, store, business establishment
铺家 shop, store
舖 store
铺户 shop, store
储存 store, stockpile, deposit, garner, lay in, lay up
储藏 store, deposit, keep
囤 store, hoard
储 store, save, deposit
存 deposit, keep, exist, store, survive, retain
蓄 store, accumulate, lay up, amass, stock up
藏 hide, store, conceal, stash, harbor, hoard
收存 store, keep
积 accumulate, store, mass
峙 store
胥 store, assist
给 give, supply, provide, leave, let, store
囥 hide, store
供给 supply, provide, furnish, store
储放 leave in care, store
财富 wealth, asset, richness

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