Friday, February 26, 2021

Chinese Words with "He" 單詞 他

Chinese Words with "He" 單詞 他


他 he, him
伊 he, she
其 its, their, it, his, that, he


男人 man, male, he, husband, menfolk, menfolks
男孩 boy, he
男子 man, male, he
男孩子 boy, he
青年人 young people, young, youth, he


男孩 boy, he
男 male, man, boy, son
男孩子 boy, he
男孩兒 boy
童 child, boy, virgin
僮 boy, Zhuang


人 people, person, man, human being, personality, folk
男子 man, male, he
男人 man, male, he, husband, menfolk, menfolks
男性 male, man, masculine, male sex, mankind
男子漢 man
男 male, man, boy, son
爺們 man, menfolk, husband, menfolks
佬 guy, man, fellow, male
夫 husband, man
漢 Chinese, Han Dynasty, man, fellow
雇工 employee, hireling, hired worker, man, hire labor, employe
鼓舞 inspiration, boost, stimulation, spark, excitation, man


為配 ... 備人手 man


他們 they, them
它們 they
牠們 they
她們 they
其 its, their, it, his, that, they

他們兩個人 two of them
另一個人 another person

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