Saturday, May 29, 2021

Chinese News Article about Countries 關於國家的中國新聞文章


施工 construction
結構 structure, construction, architecture, fabric, composition, makeup
構造 structure, construction, configuration, constitution, formation, fabric
建立 creation, construction
解釋 explanation, interpretation, construction, understanding, exposition, rationale
建築 building, architecture, structure, edifice
大廈 building, mansion, edifice
建築物 building, structure, erection
房子 house, building
房 room, house, building, antrum
營造物 building
建築 building, architecture, structure, edifice
結構 structure, construction, architecture, fabric, composition, makeup
建築學 architecture
體系結構 architecture
房子 house, building
屋 house, room
住宅 housing, house, residence, dwelling, flat, tenement
房 room, house, building, antrum
屋子 room, house
館 shop, house, embassy, accommodation for guests, establishment, gloriette
舍 house, shed, residence, hut
居 residence, house
宅院 house
家務 housework, house, household duties
齋 house, lent diet, home
內 inside
裡面 inside, interior, seamy side
裡 inside, li, within, village, neighborhood, liner
表面 surface, face, appearance, exterior, external, outside
面 surface, face, side, aspect, top, outside
面子 face, reputation, prestige, outside, outer side
面兒 cover, face, outside, side, surface
地板 floor
樓 floor, storied building
樓層 floor
層 layer, level, floor, storey, stratum
地面 ground, floor, surface
樓面 floor


收容 house, accept
駐守 garrison, guard, defend, cover, fortify, house
駐防 garrison, guard, fortify, defend, house, protect
駐屯 garrison, house, quarter
駐紮 garrison, quarter, house
出租 rent, hire, lease, let
租 rent, hire, lease, charter, tenant, let out
租賃 lease, rent, hire
賃 rent, hire
包租 rent, rent land
僦 hire, rent
貰 borrow, rent, buy on credit


內 inner, inside, internal, interior, innermost, inscribed
內部 internal, inside
裡面 inside
外 outer, outside, external, foreign, outward, extrinsic
以外 outside, external, outer
表面的 apparent, exterior, external, facial, obverse, outside

Chinese House Sale 中國房屋買賣

Traditional Chinese Dessert 繁體中文甜品

Sweet Black Sesame Paste

Sweet Walnut Paste

Sweet Almond Paste

egg white

egg yellow

Most Popular Chinese Desserts:

Red Bean Bun
Chinese: 豆沙包 dòu shā bāo /doe shaa bough

Dragon's Beard Candy
Chinese: 龙须酥 lóng xū sū /long sshyoo soo

Egg Tarts
egg tartsEgg Tarts
Chinese: 蛋挞 dàn tà /dan taa

Tanghulu - Candied Fruit on A Stick
Chinese toffee appleTanghulu
Chinese: 糖葫芦 táng hú lu /tung hoo loo

Pumpkin Pancake
Pumpkin pancakesPumpkin pancakes
Chinese: 南瓜饼 nán guā bǐng /nan gwaa bing

Sweet Egg Bun
Chinese: 奶黄包 nǎi huáng bāo /neye hwung baoww

Deep Fried Durian
DurianFried Durian
Chinese: 榴莲酥 liú lián sū /lyoh lyen soo

Tangyuan - Sweet Soup Balls
Chinese: 汤圆 tāng yuán /tung-ywen

Almond Jelly
Chinese: 杏仁冻 xìng rén dòng /sshing rnn dong

Grass Jelly
Chinese: 烧仙草 shāo xiān cǎo /shaoww sshyen tsaoww

13 people killed in a stampede at a nightclub in Peru 秘魯一家夜總會的踩踏事件造成13人死亡

coronavirus 新冠病毒

包子 bun, steamed stuffed bun
小圓麵包 bun
圓形麵包 bun
祝酒 toast
多士 toast
烤麵包 toast
生菜 lettuce, green salad
萵苣 lettuce
萵 lettuce
餃 dumpling
糰 dumpling
花生 peanut, groundnut, earthnut, earth pea, goober
落花生 peanut, groundnut, goober, monkeynut
燉 stewed, braised
生悶 braised
指關節 knuckle
油條 cruller
糯米卷 Sticky Rice Wrap
咖喱 curry

Chinese 中國人
Famous 著名的
Guangzhou 廣州
Hong Kong 香港
Rice 米
Noodle Roll 麵條卷


油炸 deep-fried
樸素 simple, plain
素 plain, vegetarian, white, native, simple
樸實 simple, plain, honest, guileless, sincere
簡朴 simple, plain, unadorned
白 white, blank, clear, bright, plain, snowy
朴 simple, plain
樸 simple, plain
陋 ugly, humble, corrupt, plain, scanty, limited
絕對 absolute, sheer, very, utter, plain
簡單的 foolproof, ordinary, oversimplified, plain, straightforward
明白的 patent, apodictic, downright, incontestable, incontrovertible, plain
新鮮 fresh, latest
新 new, fresh, up-to-date
鮮 fresh, few, little, rare
新興 new, rising, novel, fresh, up-and-coming
凊 chilly, chill, breezy, brisk, cool, fresh
冒失的 bold, bold-faced, flip, fresh, harum-scarum, obtrusive
什 assorted, miscellaneous
分類的 assorted


jelly 果凍, 膠凍, 果子凍
jell 果凍, 膠凍, 果子凍

牡蠣 oyster
蠔 oyster
蠣 oyster
蚵 oyster
蚌 mussel, oyster
鮚 oyster
所愛好的事 oyster
皮膚 skin
肌膚 skin
皮 skin, leather, hide, fur, cover, sheet
膚 skin
臚 skin, belly
長皮 skin
海鮮 seafood
魚鮮 seafood, fish and shellfish as food
過敏 allergy
變態反應 allergy
過敏症 allergy, erethism, hypersensitivity
堅果 nut
核心 core, kernel, nucleus, nut
血液 blood
血 blood
成分 ingredient, composition, blood, birth
出身 birth, blood
衁 blood
米粥 congee
胸部 chest, thorax, brisket
胸肉 brisket
腎 kidney
腎臟 kidney
腰子 kidney
性格 character, disposition, nature, temperament, makeup, kidney
個性 personality, individuality, character, individual character, identity, kidney
腌泡汁 marinade
肉 meat, flesh, beef
肉類 meat
肉食 meat
食物 food, meat, eating, eatables
牛肉 beef
肉 meat, flesh, beef
豬肉 pork, pig
米 meter, rice, metre
飯 rice, meal, food, cooked rice, cuisine
稻 rice, paddy
米飯 rice
稻子 rice, paddy
米糠 rice
面條 noodles, noodle
肝 liver
肝臟 liver
蔬菜 vegetables, vegetable, green, produce
菜 dish, vegetables, greens, wild herbs, non-staple food
青菜 vegetables, greens, greengrocery
菜蔬 vegetables, dish, greens
素食 vegetarian food, vegetables
芼 vegetables
韭菜 chives
蝦 shrimp, crayfish, crawfish, frog, toad
小蝦 shrimp
燒烤 barbeque
魚 fish
筭 chip, fish
片 sheet, piece, film, slice, disc, movie
薄片 flake, slice, thin section, thin slice
一片 piece, slice
菜刀 kitchen knife, slice
餐刀 slice
生麵糰 dough
玉米 corn, maize, ear
雞眼 corn, clavus
包穀 corn, maize
玉蜀黍 corn
穀類 cereal, grain, corn
穀 grain, corn, vale, paddy, wadi
棒子 stick, club, corncob, corn, maize, ear
老玉米 corn
蛋 egg
雞蛋 egg
卵 egg, ovum, spawn
卵子 egg, ovum
鴨 duck, drake
鴨子 duck
鴨肉 duck


漬 pickle, vinegar, marinade, steep, confect, marinate
切片 slice
切 cut, slice, chip, be close to, correspond
裁 judge, trim, slit, cut down, slice, cut up
腌 salt, pickle, cure, corn, gammon, preserve in salt
煽動 incite, instigate, stir up, whip up, egg
挑唆 incite, instigate, abet, egg
使清新 fresh

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