Friday, May 28, 2021

Why are Chinese imports & exports surging? 為什麼中國的進出口激增?

DW News shows that Chinese exports surged by a third to 264 Billion dollars in April from a year ago as global demand for Chinese electronics, medical equipment and clothes rose around the world.

Chinese imports climbed even higher (by more than 43% to 221 Billion dollars). In terms of trading partners, the Southeast Asian Nations, or Asean group, remained the largest, followed by the European Union, the U.S. and Japan. China’s total trade surplus stood at 43 Billion dollars for the month.


DW News顯示,由於全球對中國電子,醫療設備和服裝的需求在全球範圍內增長,4月份中國出口額同比增長了三分之一,達到2640億美元。

中國的進口額甚至更高(增長了43%以上,達到2210億美元)。 就貿易夥伴而言,東南亞國家聯盟(東盟集團)仍然是最大的,其次是歐盟,美國和日本。 中國當月的總貿易順差為430億美元。

Useful Translations: 有用的翻譯:

exports 出口商品
imports 進口貨
global 全球的
demand 要求
supply 供應
electronics 電子產品
medical 醫療的
equipment 設備
clothes 衣服
world 世界
trading 貿易
partner 夥伴
Southeast Asian Nations 東南亞國家
European Union 歐洲聯盟
USA 美國
Japan 日本
surplus 剩餘


行業 industry, business, trade, profession
商業 business, commerce, trade, trading
貿 trade, commerce
商 business, quotient, trader, trade, commerce, businessman
業 industry, business, trade, job, employment, profession
工 work, labor, worker, trade, craft, skill
商業 business, commerce, trade, trading
業務 business, professional work, profession
商 business, quotient, trader, trade, commerce, businessman
生意 business
業 industry, business, trade, job, employment, profession
行業 industry, business, trade, profession
買賣 business, transaction, bargain, business dealings
事 thing, matter, business, affair, job, accident
務 business, affair, matter
事情 thing, matter, affair, business
事兒 thing, business
市面 market condition, business
做功 acting, business
勾 affair, business
銷售 sell, market
銷 pin, sell, market
購買 buy, detriment
收購 purchase, buy
便宜貨 bargain, a good bargain, brummagem, buy, doodad, gew-gaw


換 change, exchange, swap, trade, swop
營業 operate, trade, do business, buy and sell, traffic
營 operate, run, trade, manage, deal with
出售 sell, trade, offer for sale
購物 shop, trade
賣 sell, betray
出售 sell, trade, offer for sale
銷售 sell
售價 sell
推銷 sell, market
售 sell, carry out
出賣 sell, betray, sell out, offer for sale
售賣 sell
銷 sell, cancel, consume, spend, do away with
販賣 traffic, sell, peddle
沽 sell, buy
經銷 distribute, sell, deal, sell on commission
交售 sell
行銷 sell
販 peddle, sell, trade in, deal with
鬻 vend, sell, barter, retail
買 buy, purchase, pay, take, acquire, procure
買進 buy, purchase, buy in, acquire, pay
購 purchase, buy
收買 buy, purchase, bribe
買回 buy, repurchase
買通 buy, bribe, buy off
採買 buy, purchase
打 fight, beat, make, break, strike, buy
沽 sell, buy
賄買 suborn, buy
賈 buy
買關節 bribe, buy, buy off


貿易的 commercial, shoppy, trade
商業的 commercial, merchant, shoppy, trade
通商的 shoppy, trade

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