Friday, May 28, 2021

How China is using automation to reshape its economy 中國如何利用自動化重塑經濟


CNBC International shows that China’s economy is facing several risks: an aging population, less working-age people, and rising wages. So how is the country responding to these threats? A big part of the answer is automation. From factories to warehouses, several industries are pushing to automate more of their workforce. CNBC’s Arjun Kharpal spoke to China’s largest retailer, about its new smart logistics center, and examined what comes next for the world’s second largest economy.


CNBC國際報導顯示,中國經濟面臨若干風險:人口老齡化,勞動年齡人口減少和工資上漲。 那麼,該國如何應對這些威脅? 答案的很大一部分是自動化。 從工廠到倉庫,數個行業都在努力使更多的勞動力自動化。 CNBC的Arjun Kharpal就其新的智能物流中心與中國最大的零售商京東(進行了交談,並研究了全球第二大經濟體的下一步發展。

Useful Translations: 有用的翻譯:

Chinese economic terms: 中國經濟術語:

产品 chǎnpǐn product; goods; merchandise.
崩溃 bēngkuì collapse; crumble; fall apart.
变动成本 biàndòng chéngběn variable costs.
边际 biānjì limit; bound.
边际利润率 biānjì lìrùnlǜ profit margin.
不平等 bù píngděng unequal; unfair.
不正当竞争 bùzhèngdāngjìngzhēng unfair competition.
财富 cáifù wealth; riches; fortune.
财务预测 cáiwù yùcè financial forecast
差距 chājù disparity; gap; the difference (in distance; amount; progress; etc.)
成本 chéngběn cost (manufacturing, production, etc.)
出超 chūchāo trade surplus
出口 chūkǒu exit; speak; export
贷款人 dàikuǎnrén lender
电子商务 diànzǐshāngwù e-commerce
东盟 dōngméng Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
东南亚国家联盟 dōngnányàguójiāliánméng Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
对冲基金 duìchōngjījīn hedge fund
多边 duōbiān multilateral; polygon
反垄断 fǎnlǒngduàn anti-trust; anti-monopoly
繁荣 fánróng prosperous; prosperity; booming (economy)
发展中国家 fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā developing country
非政府组织 fēizhèngfǔzǔzhī nongovernmental organization
风险 fēngxiǎn risk; venture; hazard
分销 fēnxiāo retail; distribution
腐败 fǔbài corruption; corrupt; rotten
复苏 fùsū resuscitate; recovery
负增长 fùzēngzhǎng negative growth
改革 gǎigé to reform
供给 gōngjǐ to furnish; provide; to supply
公开上市 gōngkāi shàngshì public listing; go public (with a company)
公司价值 gōngsī jiàzhí corporate value; company value
公司债券 gōngsī zhàiquàn corporate bond
公司债 gōngsīzhài corporate bonds
共同市场 gòngtóngshìchǎng common market
供应 gōngyìng to supply; provide; offer
供应商 gōngyìng shāng supplier; provider
工资 gōngzī wages; pay; earnings; salary
关税 guānshuì customs duty
挂牌 guàpái lit. to hang up a plate; to open up for business
固定成本 gùdìng chéngběn Fixed cost
固定收入 gùdìngshōurù fixed income
股东 gǔdōng stockholder; shareholder
国际货币基金 guójìhuòbìjījīn IMF (International Monetary Fund)
国库券 guókùquàn treasure bonds; treasury bill issued by a government
国民生产总值 guómínshēngchǎnzǒngzhí GNP
国民收入 guómínshōurù measures of national income and output
国内生产总值 guónèishēngchǎnzǒngzhí gross domestic product
国债 guózhài national debt; government debt
股票 gǔpiào shares; stock (market)
股票市场 gǔpiàoshìchǎng stock market
宏观经济 hóngguānjīngjì macro-economic
红利 hónglì dividend; bonus
后市 hòushì afternoon market
华尔街 huá'ěrjiē Wall Street
黄金 huángjīn gold
黄金储备 huángjīn chǔbèi gold reserve
回升 huíshēng rise again
货币 huòbì currency; money
货币政策 huòbì zhèngcè monetary policy
货物 huòwù goods; commodity; merchandise
价格 jiàgé price
价格歧视 jiàgéqíshì price discrimination
奖金 jiǎngjīn bonus
交割 jiāogē complete a business transaction
交易 jiāoyì business transaction; deal; trade
交易成本 jiāoyìchéngběn transaction cost
价值 jiàzhí value; worth
基础设施 jīchǔshèshī infrastructure
基金 jījīn fund; endowment
进口 jìn kǒu import; entrance; enter
经济 jīngjì economy; economic
经济均衡 jīngjì jūnhéng economic equilibrium
经济学 jīngjìxué economics
经济增长率 jīngjìzēngzhǎnglǜ economic growth rate
净利润 jìnglìrùn net profit
景气 jǐngqì economic prosperity; (economic) boom
竞争 jìngzhēng compete
金融 jīnróng banking finance; financial
集团 jítuán group; bloc; circle; clique
基准利率 jīzhǔn lìlǜ base rate (of interest)
可支配收入 kě zhīpèi shōurù disposable income
跨国公司 kuàguó gōngsī transnational corporation; multinational corporation
利率 lìlǜ interest rate
零和博弈 línghèbóyì zero-sum game
利润 lìrùn profit
利息 lìxī interest (on a loan)
垄断企业 lǒngduànqǐyè monopoly
毛利 máolì gross profit
贸易 màoyì (commercial) trade
制度 zhìdù system; institution
知识产权 zhīshichǎnquán intellectual property rights
指数 zhǐshù index
专利 zhuānlì patent
主体 zhǔtǐ main part; subject; agent
资本结构 zīběnjiégòu capital structure
资产 zīchǎn property; assets
资金 zījīn funds; funding
自由贸易 zìyóumàoyì free trade
自由贸易区 zìyóumàoyìqū free trade zone
自由贸易协定 zìyóumàoyìxiédìng free trade agreement
资源 zīyuán natural resource; resource

經濟 economy, economics, income, financial condition
撙節 economy, husbandry, parsimony
撙 economy, husbandry, parsimony
系統 system, economy
經濟制度 economy
自動化 automation
勞動力 workforce

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