Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Chinese Restaurant Words 中國餐廳的話

Chinese Restaurant Words 中國餐廳的話

The phrase (你吃饭了吗) (nǐ chī fàn le ma) literally means, "Have you eaten?" It is often used the way "How are you?" is used in English.

A 餐厅 (cān tīng) is a dining restaurant.

If you need the waiter’s attention, yell 服务员 (fú wù yuán - waiter).

When ordering, a waiter will ask 还有呢 (hái yǒu ne - and; in addition) repeatedly. 

Hand them the tip and say "小费" (xiǎo fèi - gratuity, literally meaning "small fee").

More restaurant phrases:

欢迎 (huān yíng) Welcome

几位 (jǐ wèi)  How many people?

等一下 (děng yī xià)  Just a moment

菜单 (cài dān)  Menu

___ 杯水 (___ bēi shǔi)  May we have ___ glasses of water please?

一壶茶 (yī hú chá)  May we have a pot of tea please?

红茶 (hóng chá)  Black tea. Although this is literally translated "red tea," it refers to what Westerners know as black tea.

黑茶 (hēi chá) Chinese black tea. Chinese black tea is very dark and quite strong. It’s basically the tea version of coffee.

绿茶 (lǜ chá) Green tea

可以加热水 (kě yǐ jiā rè shǔi) Please add hot water

不用味精 (bú yòng wēi jìng) Please don’t use MSG.

我要 (wǒ yào)  I would like

有叉子吗 (yǒu chā zi ma)  May I have a fork please?

有筷子吗 (yǒu kuài zi ma)  Do you have chopsticks?

有勺子吗 (yǒu shǎo zi ma)  Do you have spoons?

买单 (mǎi dān)  May I have the bill?

可以刷卡吗 (kě yǐ shuā kǎ ma)  Do you accept cards?

我不能吃 (wǒ bù néng chī) "I can’t eat." Use this phrase when referring to allergies and intolerances.

A 饭馆 (fàn guǎn) is a hole-in-the-wall restaurant which is much less formal than a regular restaurant.

多一点 (duō yī diǎn) Can you give me a little more please?

__ 荤 __ 素 (__ hūn ___ sù)  ___ meats and __ vegetables

带走 (dài zǒu) Take out

串 (chuàn)  Skewers

少油 (ishǎo yǒu)  Not too much oil.

辣/不辣 (là/bú là)  Spicy/not spicy

做长 一点 (zuò cháng yī diǎn)  Please cook it a little more.

一碗 (yī wǎn)  A bowl of

一盘 (yī pán)  A plate of

炸 (zhá)  Fried

炒 (chǎo)  Stir-fried

煮 (zhǔ)  Boiled

蒸 (zhēng)  Steamed

烤 (kǎo)  Roasted

焖 (mèn)  Braised

三分熟 (sān fēn shú)  Rare

四分熟 (sì fēn shú)  Medium rare

五分熟 (wǔ fēn shú)  Medium

七分熟 (qī fēn shú)  Medium well

全熟 (quán shú)  Well done

面条 (miàn tiáo)  Flour noodles

米线 (mǐ xiàn)  Rice noodles

有没有 (yǒu méi yǒu)  Do you have

牛肉 (niú ròu)  beef
鸡肉 (jī ròu)  chicken
羊肉 (yáng ròu)  lamb
鸭肉 (yā ròu)  duck
猪肉 (zhū)  pork
茄子 (qié zi)  eggplant
番茄 (fānqié)  tomato
葱 (cōng)  green onions
豆腐 (dòu fu)  tofu
土豆 (tǔ dòu)  potato
白菜 (bái cài)  Chinese cabbage
饺子 (jiǎo zi)  dumplings
包子 (bāo zi)  steamed buns
米饭 (mǐ fàn)  rice
炒饭 (chǎo fàn)  fried rice
北京烤鸭 (Běijīng kǎo yā)  Peking duck, called Beijing Roast Duck in Chinese

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